
Monday, October 21, 2013

Invoices for the preorder, wigs...

Hello everyone!

Thank you very much to everyone who preordered the fairies! I know that some of you are still waiting for your invoices. I apologize for the delay; as some might know, I've moved recently from Dublin back into Madrid, my hometown. I am still formalizing all the bank details and transfers, and that's why the invoices are delaying a little bit. But worry not, they will be sent to you all this week!

I've been also asked about the mohair wigs for the dolls. Let me explain:

I've never liked the big seams and the buldge that these seams usually do in the mohair wigs, specially for dolls with small sized heads, such as my fairies. The mohair wigs from Magic Mirror are designed with very low seams, and are then soaked and let dry over the doll's heads, for a perfect fit. About the colors, the default one is white (because this color can be easily dyed to whatever color the owners prefer! Just be creative ^^ !) , but I will try to offer a wider selection in the future. For this preorder, if I can, I will try to offer 4 colors: White, Lavander, Auburn and Dark Blue, but again, this is just speculation. If the colors do not happen in time, I will send the wigs in their default color (white).

And that's it so far! The Facebook contest ends today, so if you haven't ''liked'' my site, do it now! The goal of 750 is not that far, and that could be a free doll for you!

Many hugs!


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