
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Maeve, the Leannan Sidhe; WIP

Hello everyone!

The weeks pass by really fast! You may be wondering what has happened here at the other side of the Mirror. Well, while the Fairies of Glendalough have been in production, I've been working on new projects and boiling new ideas at the studio. I have so many things that I would like to do! But time is limited, and besides, so many things have been happening in the while, that my projects haven't been as fast as I would have liked. Still, I have some exciting news that I would like to share with you : )

When I created the Fairies, I was thinkig on doing something neat, clean and efficient to take with me to this year's Ldoll. I have always liked and favored simple dolls that behaved well, posed cute and did not ''struggle'' when you play with them, if you know what I mean. Upon creating Saoirse and Siobhan, I must say that they overcame all my expectatives, and I am delighted with the final result. They are, in my opinion, something pleasurable to handle and to play with, and versatile enough to allow many looks and make great pictures. I love my two girls, and they will be always with me.


But I always thought that I shoudl keep growing and  improving my work. So when the time came and the creativity bug bite again, I decided that this time I wanted to go a step further and go for something a bit more complex. With the great counsels and sample of my friend Twigling, I learnt a lot about joints, articulation and posability on bjd's. And I decided to put these knowledges on operation and create another doll. This time larger, this time with a more complex articulation system, but still within the aesthetic vibe and feeling of the Fairies of Glendalough. Starting from scratch, I began working on my next project, Maeve.

I do not want to talk too extensively about her yet. She started from a paper sketch, in a size that intended to be around 50cm tall, but the final result ended a bit lighter and more delicate than my initial idea. I had in mind a tall, elegant and willowy girl, with delicate features, high cheekbones, a lithe but still sensual and femenine frame. My inspiration this time was the Anglo-Irish myth of the Leannan Sidhe, the ''Fairy Lover''; is some kind of vampire-succubus fairy maiden with good intentions (well XD, as good as a vampire can have), that marries human artists and inspires them to creation. These romances are intense and provide the artists with loads of creativity and passion, but prove to be fatal in the end, because the intensity may even kill the artists. I've always found this idea amazing, so I created Maeve having the myth in mind. There will be some surprises about her when the project is more advanced, but for now, I have some pictures for you to see how will this girl will look like (more or less). I hope you like her! She for sure has my heart on her little hand (yes, she only has one so far, still working in the other! XDD)


 And some pictures of the body:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hello everyone!

This is just a quick update to remind you all that the second round of invoices for the people who asked for layaway have been sent. Pleasae, check your e-mails! And if the invoice does not appear, check your spam folder, or please make me know as soon as possible!

I am already working in the faceups for the girls. She will be very soon with you! I have many other news, but those will come tomorrow. Christmas eve!

Hugs for everyone!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Color sample of Cream White

Hello everyone!

I received some requests to show what color is actually the ''Cream White'' color that I offered in the preorder of the fairies of Glendalough. I have a picture now!

My first idea was to order the fairies in Pink White; but the resin turned out to be by far pinkier and had that translucent quality that I do not like that much. So for the preorder, I asked for a paler resin, and this time, totally matte. I do not like how the usual White Skin dolsl age, they tend to turn yellow, so I wanted my Cream White to be more pink than yellow, and this is the result:

In the picture you can see at left the Pink White that the dolls show in the pictures; in the middle, a more classical ''cream white'' (an ivory shade), and at right, the color that the fairies will be. I think is a gorgeous pale creamy-pinky shade, and the fairies will look stunning on it! ^_^

Monday, November 11, 2013

First preorder closes

Hello everyone!

The first preorder for the Fairies of Glendalough is now over. Thank you very much to everyone who showed interest in my little girls! Those of you who submitted your preorder will receive your invoice today. Many hugs!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Invoices for the preorder, wigs...

Hello everyone!

Thank you very much to everyone who preordered the fairies! I know that some of you are still waiting for your invoices. I apologize for the delay; as some might know, I've moved recently from Dublin back into Madrid, my hometown. I am still formalizing all the bank details and transfers, and that's why the invoices are delaying a little bit. But worry not, they will be sent to you all this week!

I've been also asked about the mohair wigs for the dolls. Let me explain:

I've never liked the big seams and the buldge that these seams usually do in the mohair wigs, specially for dolls with small sized heads, such as my fairies. The mohair wigs from Magic Mirror are designed with very low seams, and are then soaked and let dry over the doll's heads, for a perfect fit. About the colors, the default one is white (because this color can be easily dyed to whatever color the owners prefer! Just be creative ^^ !) , but I will try to offer a wider selection in the future. For this preorder, if I can, I will try to offer 4 colors: White, Lavander, Auburn and Dark Blue, but again, this is just speculation. If the colors do not happen in time, I will send the wigs in their default color (white).

And that's it so far! The Facebook contest ends today, so if you haven't ''liked'' my site, do it now! The goal of 750 is not that far, and that could be a free doll for you!

Many hugs!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Layaway option for the preorder

Hello again everyone!

I've been contacted by several persons asking if it would be a layaway option to purchase the Fairies in the upcoming preorder. I didn't think at first on offering that option, since they are somehow small items, but it seems many people are asking for it, so I've decided to offer this possibility. Please, check the section of dolls and preorder to check how layaway works.

Thanks to everyone for your interest!

Also, I wanted to communicate that I've decided to make a draw between all the fully paid orders, and 5 persons will have free faceup ^_^. More details, soon!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

More about the Fairies

Hi Everyone!

I am delighted for the great interest that my girls seem to be rising. I am really grateful for your support  and your kind words, and I am happy to see that so many people asking for the upcoming preorder!

So today I have made all the updates in the blog (section: PREORDER) with all the info that the people have been requesting about preorder, prices, sizes of the dolls, how to order, layaway plans and all you might need to know about them. Again, thank you very much for your support and encouragement. It has been a long way, 9 years on this hobby, until this very moment, but I still enjoy it as the first day.

The fairies are waiting for you! Thanks to everyone for your support and great interest in my girls!



Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Saoirse and Siobhan: The fairies of Glendalough

Hello everyone!

It has been a long time of silence. But in this silence, I have been busier than ever. Many things have happened in these months, and the most important has been that my new dolls are ready and there is a preorder incoming!

We managed to attend the Ldoll festival in France, and I am delighted with the success that my girls had there. It has been a great debut, and I highly hope that they will be well received at the large scene this month upon their preorder! But first things first, let's get introduced to my girls:

This spring, I did a short trip through Wicklow mountains, and the marvellous glens, the forestry and the blooming flowers inspired me the creation of my two little faeries. I imagined pure sprites living in the depths of those wonderful, ancient forests that guarded ancient standing stones and mushroom circles. That's why my first girls have Irish names and are related to this wonderful place of power. I hope you like them both as much as I do!

This is Saoirse; she is related to laborious bees and is and a very sweet girl:

And this is Siobhan; she protects the wasps, and is a very brave girl and a warrior:

They are very good friends! ^_^

You will read more information about them and about my incoming preorder to take them home soon this week! Stay tuned and look for updates.

Thank you very much for looking!

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Memories of Faun

Sometimes before moving forward you must look back. Glimpses of what came before shine and light our way as we move through the forests. Here you have a collection of photos of Faun, the first creation of Magic Mirror. Very soon I will bring news, but today I wanted to pay a little homage to Faun, my first project. I wanted to keep it small, and made a Limited Edition of 10 dolls. If you are one of the owners of Faun, I would be delighted to see your photos on my facebook page. The photo with more likes will be featured in my banner!

UPDATE: I now have a flickr group for my lovely doll owners! Please post your photos of Magic Mirror dolls here.

This is Faun #1 (tan skin).

The Fauns have such a cute body, a long discontinued sculpt by 5stardoll.

 I love the detailed little back!

This was the first promo pic, featuring  #2 and #3 (tan skin)

Faun also makes a very pretty girl, #4 (pink skin)

Red hair suits her so well!

Here is #5 (tan skin) with body blushing.

 Here we have #7 (tan skin), #9 (white skin) and #6 (pink skin, mod dreaming). So many of them together!

Here is my own Faun, #9 (white skin). His name is Yuki! I have a soft spot for white dolls with white hair...

Yuki's sweet nose!

I hope you liked this little compilation. I will have a couple of Fauns with me at the Ldoll this year, I'm so excited to be attending! More news to come really soon, stay tuned!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Magic Mirror Studio

Welcome to the land of Dawn and Dusk, where dreams get shape in that small fragment of time between the blink of an eye, two heartbeats or a sigh... dream your own dreams, hunting them like fireflyes, and make them true.

It's all in your hands.