
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Maeve is ready for production

Hello everyone!

I have been dead busy these last weeks. And when I say it, I really really mean it. I got tonsilitis, and that put me off the scheme for some days of tablets, bed and ibuprofen, and the rest of the time I have been working on Maeve.

Yes, Maeve. The doll I planned to finish by Christmas. Now you can laugh with me.

The fact is that the administrative problems and endeavors of the first preorder of the Fairies of Glendalough caught me a bit unaware. I want to apologize to everyone for some of the delays with their dolls. Even if I know that the usual waiting time in BJD's is about 2-3 months, I wanted to do it faster. And well, I ended with a standard time, and some serious struggles with my administrative tools. I am relieved now that all the dolls departed and arrived to their homes, and I am delighted every time I see someone posting their little fairies in the net. But I also have to say that I've learnt a LOT from the whole experience, and next time it won't caught me unaware. I beg your pardon and understanding; even if I have been dealing and selling bjd's for years, this is a whole new world of papers and data processing that I had to get used to. From here, I want to thank again all the persons that gave me their trust and decided to order one of the dolls from my, rather unknow company.

Thank you very, very much. You all have been a enormous impulse and motivation for me to keep working and improving. I am grateful for everyone's patience and understanding, and I hope you all are satisfied with your little ones.

Next order of business: Maeve, the Leannan Sidhe, has already departed for production. After giving me lots of headaches and severe temptations of throwing her out of the window, I managed to finish the master, and I have to say, be completely satisfied with it. I am proud of the final look of the doll; I compared the master with the first one I had for the Fairies of Glendalough, and I think it's very satisfying to see that you improve and that things seems moving on. Maeve was much more complex than the little girls, way larger, and the joint system proved to be a challenge. I can't wait to have a resin prorotype in my hands that can be properly and tightly strung (because you can't do that with the clay one; it breaks and chips like mad) to show you what she can do and the possibilities of her joints. In the while, I managed to take some pictures of the clay master in my garden, and I really hope you like her. She has the pointy nose of her little cousins Saoirse and Siobhan, but I also wanted her to have mature, defined features with defined cheekbones and a clean jaw. And that is not easy; usually, when you make the features of a female doll too hard, or you give her any shape but round and soft, people tend to see ''a guy''. So overall, I am extremely satisfied of her general look and I think she managed to look very feminine, pixy-like and devious, but still sweet and sensual. Now is up to you to decide! What do you think?

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