
Dolls & Preorder

The Fairies of Glendalough 

(You can see many more pictures of them in my flickr!)

Sinéad, the Mystic Firefly

(New face mold!)

Saoirse, patron of the Bees

Siobhan, the Wasp Warrior

-Preorder status: CLOSED LOSED

(5th of December till 22th December 2014)

-Next preorder:Preorder system changed! Please, see the news.

-Available colors for Preorder: Light Tan and Fair Skin

  • Height: 30cm
  • Wig Size: 4'5-5
  • Eye Size: 8mm/10mm (depending on brand)
  • Foot Length: 4cm
  • Waist: 11cm
  • Hips: 17cm
  • Bust: 13'5cm
  • Thigh girth: 10cm
  • Inner leg length: 15cm
  • Outer arm length (Shoulder to wrist): 8'5cm  

 -Price List:
  • Basic doll Cream White: 350€
  • Basic doll Light Tan: 365€
  • Faceup by Rakeru Sensei: 40€
  • Faceup by Nanyalin: 30€
  • Airbrushed bodyblush and coating: 25€ 
  • Outfit ''Ivy'' by Bunny Heart (Yes/No)
  • Shipping quote: Spain: 22€ / Europe: 27€ / Rest of the World: 32€

IMPORTANT: If you want the outfit ''Ivy'', please mark it as ''yes'' in your order, but DON'T PAY FOR IT.

Pandora herself will contact and invoice you separately for i
t. The cost of the outfit is 30€, but they won't be charged in your doll order. 

 How to order:

1- Please, email me at and the title of your email should be: ''Preorder -Name of the doll you want-''.  For example: 

Preorder Saoirse

2- Fill this form in the body of the email:

  • Doll you want: Saoirse/Siobhan/Sinéad
  • Color you want: Light Tan/Fair Skin
  • Faceup: By Rakeru Sensei/By Nanyalin
  • Bodyblush and coating: Yes/No
  • Outfit Ivy; Yes/No
  • Name: Your full name and surname 
  • Adress: Street -- Number/door -- City Postal -- Code/Zip --  Country
  • Paypal adress: The adress you will be sending payment from.
  • Special requirements:(Layaway, customs specifications)

3- Send payment with your total through paypal to 

Layaway terms:

For popular request, I've added the option of layaway to the preorder. It goes like this:
  • You mention in special requierements that you will need layaway.
  • Your first payment will consist of 40% of your purchase. This amount will work as a deposit and is non-refundable.
  • You should send the following 30% of the total amount in a maximum of 30 days.
  • The last payment has to be sent in a maximum of 30 days more (So, it's a total of 60 days since first payment) and will correspond to the final 30% of the order's total.
  • Please, notify me to each time that you fulfill a paypal payment.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The incumpliment of the payements will be considered a cancellation of the purchase. None of the payements will be reimbursed under any circumstances!! Please, have this in mind before commiting to buy. I've had very bad experiences with layaway plans in the past, and I will like this to work as smoothly as possible. Thanks a million for your understanding

And that's it! Feel free to post any questions or doubts in my blog or email me at about this preorder. Thanks a lot for your interest in my dolls!

Maeve, the Leannan Sidhe 

(You can see many more pictures of her in my flickr!)

-Preorder status: CLOSED

-Next preorder:13 - October - 2014

-Available colors for Preorder: Light Tan and Fair Skin

  • Height: 50cm
  • Wig Size: 5'5-6
  • Eye Size: 10mm 
  • Foot Length: 6cm
  • Waist: 13cm
  • Hips: 19cm
  • Bust: 17cm
  • Thigh girth: 12cm
  • Inner leg length: 27cm
  • Outer arm length (Shoulder to wrist): 13cm  

 -Price List:
  • Basic doll Cream White: 530€
  • Basic doll Light Tan: 540€
  • Default Face-Up: 35€
  • Custom Face-Up: (consult at
  • Airbrushed bodyblush and coating: 30€ 
  • Shipping fee: Spain-30€  Europe: 35€   Rest of the world: 40€

 How to order:

1- Please, email me at and the title of your email should be: ''Preorder -Name of the doll you want-''.  For example: 

Preorder Maeve

2- Fill this form in the body of the email:
  • Doll you want: Maeve
  • Color you want: Light Tan/Fair Skin
  • Default Face-up: Yes/No
  • Custom Face-up: Yes/No (If yes; please, specify ^_^)
  • Bodyblush and coating: Yes/No
  • Name: Your full name and surname 
  • Adress: Street -- Number/door -- City Postal -- Code/Zip --  Country
  • Paypal adress: The adress you will be sending payment from.
  • Special requirements:(Layaway, customs specifications)

3- Send payment with your total through paypal to

Layaway terms:

For popular request, I've added the option of layaway for this preorder. It goes like this:
  • You mention in special requierements that you will need layaway.
  • Your first payment will consist of 40% of your purchase. This amount will work as a deposit and is non-refundable.
  • You should send the following 30% of the total amount in a maximum of 30 days.
  • The last payment has to be sent in a maximum of 30 days more (So, it's a total of 60 days since first payment) and will correspond to the final 30% of the order's total.
  • Please, notify me to each time that you fulfill a paypal payment.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The incumpliment of the payements will be considered a cancellation of the purchase. None of the payements will be reimbursed under any circumstances!! Please, have this in mind before commiting to buy. I've had very bad experiences with layaway plans in the past, and I will like this to work as smoothly as possible. Thanks a million for your understanding!


1 comment:

  1. I'm in love... Siobhan is just sublime...
