
Friday, December 05, 2014

The Fairies of Glendalough: Preorder is Open & Christmas Event

Hello Everyone!

Finally, aftesome technical difficulties, I can open today the second preorder for the Fairies of Glendalough :)

The preorder will be open from the 5th to the 20th December 2014

Saoirse and Siobhan are available again. Not only that, but exceptionally, Sinéad will be available with them a Christmas Surprise!

The three available faceplates for this preorder!

For this second preorder, the dolls will feature the new double joint knee (looks the same when standing, but the lower leg part has been updated to allow double action), slightly corrected faceplates (worry not; only some minimal bits of symmetry in the eyes have been corrected, they look pretty much the same), and a little tweak at the groin to allow more thigh movement.

(Note: The fairies also feature double jointed elbows. If your doll refuses to keep them properly bent, is most likely because the elastic is too tigh. Release a bit of the tension and she will recover her double-mobility)

And I have a wonderful surprise. This time, the amazing Spanish faceup artist, Rakeru Sensei, is collaborating with Magic Mirror. She has offered 10 faceup slots for this preorder at an exceptional price. Do not miss this incredible oportunity to have your fairy with a top quality faceup! Take a look at her gallery, and I promise you will like it : )

The color available in this preorder are Fair Skin (a pale NS) and Light Tan (You are familiar already with that color). The options include the following:

-Model: Saoirse, Siobhan, Sinéad

-Color: Fair Skin or Light Tan

-Bust size: Large or Small

-Faceup: (10 Limited spots only) By Nanyalin, or by Rakeru Sensei

-Outfit ''Ivy'' by Bunny Heart (check her awesome gallery in Flickr!)

Ivy, by Bunny heart, in Saoirse Light Tan

And here comes the surprise Christmas Event:

All the dolls will include free glass eyes as a Christmas gift.

To give Sinéad  a warm welcome, all the purchases of 2 or more dolls including her will have a discount of 15% for your next individual doll purchased at Magic Mirror

The fairies have a base price of 350€ in Fair Skin and 365€ in Light Tan. Take a look at dolls and preorder for info on extras, measurements and shipping!

Thank you very much for your support, and have a Merry Christmas!! I hope you will bring many fairies to their new homes.

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