
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Spring preorder cancelled

Hello everyone!

I must apologize for how miscared my blog has been. In my discharge, I will have to say that the last year has been hectic in movement and in things to do, that are still undone. It is time to put some order in my life and setup things properly. Soon, I will have finally my own working and living space, and I hope that it is the beginning of a very good times to come.

I'm writing just a short notice since many of you have been asking about the spring preorder for the fairies of Glendalough and Maeve.

As you know, I use to work in a bi-yearly preorder basis, making one in the 1sth of November and another the 1st of May. This year, tho, I've decided to change my business model.

The waiting times and the problems with my manufacturer have been really big. I do not work well in a preorder basis, and I can't allow waiting times to stretch like this between one order and another. Is not fair for my customers, and it stresses me a lot. After a lot of consideration, I've decided to switch the way I work from preorder to In Stock dolls. Perhaps it won't be as safe as a preorder basis, but that way, I can grant my customers that their dolls will arrive soon after the purchase. To me, keeping the illusion after a doll purchase is important. So fast processing and shipment has to be a must.

So, stay tuned! I will announce the dolls available in my social media and in this blog (which I promise to keep much more updated and full of info, and not to succumb only to the Facebook easy commodities!). To start with, I have some dolls available after the Doll North convention in Canada. They will be ready to be sold tomorrow, some of them belong to the limited edition ''A Bunch of Lilacs''. You'll see, they are super cute! And in stock, and ready to go!

Many hugs to you all, and thanks a million for the worldwide support that I'm receiving. Magic Mirror studio grows a bit larger day by day, and it is all because of you.



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